Last News : October 27, 2017

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Final Program can be downloaded: here

Paper Submission

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Dr. Titipong Lertwiriyaprapa   
(General Secretary)

Conference Topics

A: Antennas B: Propagation
      A1. Small Antennas and RF Sensors
      A2. Antennas for Mobile and Wireless Applications
      A3. Broadband and Multiband Antennas
      A4. Active and On-Chip Antennas
      A5. Tunable and Reconfigurable Antennas
      A6. 2D and 3D Printed Antennas and Arrays
      A7. Adaptive and Smart Antennas
      A8. Antenna Theory and Design
      A9. Antenna Measurements
      A10. Millimeter-wave, THz and Optical Antennas
      B1. Indoor and Mobile Propagation
      B2. Millimeter-wave, THz and Optical Propagation
      B3. Machine-to-Machine/Infrastructure Propagation
      B4. Channel Sounding and Channel Estimation
      B5. DOA Estimation
      B6. Remote Sensing and Radar
      B7. Terrestrial, Earth-Space, and Ionospheric Propagation
      B8. Propagation Fundamentals
      B9. Propagation Measurement Techniques

C: Electromagnetic-wave Theory

D: AP-Related Topics
      C1. Computational Electromagnetics
      C2. Time-Domain Techniques
      C3. Scattering, Diffraction and RCS
      C4. Inverse and Imaging Techniques
      C5. Optimization Methods in EM Problems
      C6. Passive and Active Components
      C7. Frequency Selective Surfaces and Filters
      C8. EBG, Metamaterials and Applications
      C9. Nano-Electromagnetics
      D1. Antenna Systems for Mobile Communications
      D2. MIMO and Its Applications
      D3. Broadcasting and Receiving Technologies
      D4. Wireless Power Transfer Technologies
      D5. Wearable Device Networks and Medical Applications
      D6. Sensor Networks and Adhoc Systems
      D7. RFID and Applications
      D8. EMC/EMI Technologies
      D9. Education in Electromagnetics